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QuickerSim composes of two sister companies: QuickerSim Ltd. and QuickerSim Automotive Ltd.
At QuickerSim, we focus on three main things:
- We do engineering consulting and deliver CFD simulations as a service.
- We work on R&D projects that involve heat transfer or fluid flow modelling.
- We develop custom engineering software for our customers according to their needs.
At QuickerSim Automotive, we focus on e-mobility and battery modelling and simulations:
- We develop Q-Bat - the QuickerSim Battery Explorer, which links with MATLAB and Simulink. It is the fastest 3-D thermal modelling tool for batteries on the market.
- We help automotive OEMs or battery pack manufacturers design and optimize battery cooling through computer simulations.
QuickerSim was founded in 2015 with headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. Its staff originates mainly from Warsaw University of Technology. The company has customers mainly in Norway, Germany, UK, US, Sweden, Switzerland and Poland.
Noakowskiego 4/8,
00-666 Warsaw, Poland
NIP: 5272740819
Sales department: FEM and CFD analyzes, dedicated applications, CFD Toolbox
E-mobility, Q-Bat:
+48 690 657 737
QuickerSim Team
CTO | Senior Software Developer
Software Developer
Simulation Engineer
Simulation Engineer
Simulation Engineer
Project Manager
Sales Engineer
Product Manager for e-mobility
Office Manager
Case Studies
We focus our work on battery thermal modelling, CFD simulations
and the development of engineering software according to the individual company's needs.
Electric Aircraft Battery Cooling for Nuncats - case study
Customer profile: Nuncats CIC is a British aircraft company, providing electric aircraft transportation systems in order to replace the petrol engine and fuel tanks.
The electric aircrafts designed and built by Nuncats are based on batteries, supported by solar charging stations on the ground.
The aim is to provide cheap and sustainable transport to rural or remote areas (e.g. to deliver doctors, teachers and medical supplies in Africa), where the roads are unreliable and the conventional ways of transport would fail or it would be extremely expensive.
Together with Nuncats we worked on a project to ensure proper cooling of the battery pack in the aircraft. Using Q-Bat – our battery simulation software, we have analysed the battery pack in several phases of flight. This way we were able to check if the cooling fans were enough to keep the temperatures at desirable levels.
Development of GUI and Simulation Engine for Oil & Gas
We have developed numerical software for studying 3-phase flow in the wellbores. Both simulation algorithms and the GUI developed for Flowpro AS from Norway.
Gasification & Combustion Modelling
According to emission norms, combustion of the syngas must provide that each gas particle travels for more than 2 seconds in the regions above 850 degrees C. We have done CFD simulations and modified the combustion chamber with our British customer to guarantee that.